
Find Fresh Voices & New Faces

Use Antiquoted to find new experts with something to say on a range of business topics.

Uncover people with fresh perspectives and subject matter expertise for your content, podcasts or events.
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Take your content to the next level.
Produce content no AI can match. Include unique quotes from experts with real-life examples and deep topic expertise.
Reach new audiences.
Expand the reach and distribution of your content by including authoritative influencers in your work.
Find diverse new voices.
We're bored of hearing from the same people. Antiquoted helps you discover diverse people with underrepresented voices. #NoMoreManels.

How it works

We're bored of hearing from the same people, but we know it takes a lot of time and effort to find new people ready and willing to contribute to your article, podcast or event. That’s why we’re building antiquoted.

Here’s how it works 👇

  1. Log in to Antiquoted to access a database of diverse voices ready to share their perspective on niche business topics.
  2. Use granular search criteria to pinpoint the perfect person. Then invite them to contribute a quote for your content, be a guest on your podcast or a speaker at your event.
  3. Go ahead and arrange the quote, podcast appearance, or speaking gig. Thank us later for only spending minutes, not days, getting the best new voices for your project.
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